Caroline and David MacLeod

October 11. 2003

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Dave and I were married on October 11th, 2003, at the Grand Mira Church, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Dave is of Scottish ancestry but wasn't born in Scotland, he was born in Marion Bridge Nova Scotia. The Scottish heritage is still very strong in his family as his grandmother speaks Gaelic. I am French Canadian and was born in Quebec city. As far as I can go back, my family has been in Quebec since the first French settlers.

Dave wore the traditional Modern MacLeod Tartan with MacLeod kilt pin and brooch to hold the matching plaid draped on his shoulder. The male attendants wore the Flower of Scotland Tartan. My dress was designed by a local designer originally from Estonia, it was a simple but yet elegant white dress. Rings by Walker Metalsmiths. My bouquet was made up of 4 dozens tightly packed red black roses. Dave had one of my roses in his boutonniere with two thistles. We had beautiful traditional Scottish music during the Catholic Church service with a live pianist and violinist. Outside the Church we had a live piper who played as our guests arrived and piped the wedding party in and the bride and groom out. Our furry 11 years old daughter also attended, her name is Chinook and she is a Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute cross.


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