Henry O'Neill Lithographs

From his 1857 book
Illustrations of Some of the Most Interesting Sculptured Crosses of Ancient Ireland

These images are cropped from the original proportions, due to the limitations of my scanner. The actual page size is 14.5 x 21.5 inches.

Kilklispeen, Co. Tipperary

Moone Abbey, Co. Kildare
The cross was reconstructed several years before O'Neill drew it. Later it was reconstructed again with the section of shaft illustrated on the right added in making it much taller.

Cross in the Churchyard, Kells, Co. Meath

Stephen Walker and Aidan Breen near Henry O'Neill's unmarked grave at Glasneven Cemetary, Dublin January 2003

Read about Henry O'Neill on the Celtic Art Online Forum:

Article on  Celtic Revival Crosses 


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